Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Personal letter to all my beloved classmates

Dear Classmates,
Hi to each one. Kumusta na ba kayo? KAILAN KAYO MAGPA-ENROL? Kami ni Roel next week pa. I hope buo pa rin tayong lahat. You know I made a mistake in my personal blog. The Movie analysis that I have posted entitled Kisapmata is unfinished and you know what the three movie analyses that I have posted were lost and I do not know why and what is only recovered is the Kisapmata which is naputol anyway just understand it and do not read it. I have not yet opened all of your blogs but I will just find time within this week. Please just be patient enough do not worry I will do my job. Thank you.
Abeth Dioso

Book Review

Title: Julius Caesar
( Shakespearean Tragedy)

Julius Caesar believed to have been written in 1599. It portrayed the conspiracy against the Roman dictator of the same name his assassination and its aftermath. It is one of several Roman plays that William Shakespeare wrote, based on true events from Roman History. Though the title is Julius Caesar, Caesar is not the central character in its action. In the story Julius was killed. The protagonist of the story is Marcus Brutus and the central psychological drama is his struggle between the conflicitng demands of honour, patriotism, and friendship. The story reflected the general anxiety of England over succession of leadership.
Things to ponder
Sad to say that the problem of leadership has been a problem of people even before the birth of Christ. And this problem is handed down from one generation to the next. The Philippines is not an excused of this. Political problems have been confronting the Filipino people since then. Perhaps this can be resolved if all of us Filipinos will be united as one nation. Assassination and political executions are nowadays very common in the Philippines.

Book Review

Title: Shakespearean Tragedies

About The Author

William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564 and died April 23, 1616. He is an English poet and a playwqright. He is considered as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's preeminent dramatist. William Shakespeare is also the England's national poet and his suirviving works consist of 38 plays 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems . His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other . He got married at the age of 18 and was blessed to three children. The eldest was Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592 William Shakespeare began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company. Published his own works between 1590 and 1613. His early plays were comedies and historians. He then wrote mainly tragfedies until about 1608 including Hamlet, and Macbeth. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies known as romances.
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written about 2 teenage lovers whose untimely death unite their feuding families. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to ancient Greece. Its plot is based on an Italian tale believed to be written between 1591 and 1595. It has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story of two teenage lovers. Having seen that Juliet was dead, Romeo drinks poison. Juliet then awakens and finding Romeo dead, stavbgs herself with her lover's dagger. The feuding families and the prince meet at the tomb to find all dead. The families are reconciled by their children's death and agree to end the violent feud. The play ends with the prince's elegy for the lovers For never was a story of more woe/ than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

Things to ponder

Sometimes a tragedy in one's life would serve as an eye opener for realization. That sometimes we have to sacrifice before seeing someone to change. Why is this so? We can only remember the person's goodness if he is gone.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Book Review

Title: Increasing Quality and Equity: The Case of Chile

Author: Andrea Paula Tokman
Andrea Paula Tokman is a Doctor in Philosophy in Economics and finished her doctorate degree at the University of California, Berkeley USA. Her book entitled Increasing Quality and Equity: The Case of Chile was one of the many attempts to study the kind of education that is offered both in public and private schools in Chile considering the voucher-style system that is the Chilean government is giving subsidy to both private and public schools.

What is it all about?
In 1981 The Chilean Military government implemented the voucher style system of publicly funded education that transfers funds from the Central government to bothe public and private schools. The voucher style system is equivalent to the Service Contracting Schemes here in the Philippine. This Service Contracting Scheme is a form of subsidy to deserving young students who are enrolled in the Private schools. The study of Andrea is anchored on the idea of Friedman (1955) that private schools are more efficient than the public schools however, in her study it proves that private subsidized schools don't appear to have better learning conditions than public schools. Public schools tend to be larger in terms of enrollment and have larger classes. Subsidized private schools don't have better teachers. They have fewer teachers with a degree in education and with teachers with less years of experience. Further Private schools have high percentage of female teachers. Another significant finding of her study is the 5-6 percentage point difference in private subsidized and public schools' average test scores could be very possibly just be the effect of non-random assignment of students into schools having better students and not really teaching them better. Another result of her study is that the public schools are neither uniformly worse nor uniformly better than private subsidized schools but rather public schools appear to be relatively more effective for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Schools with higher paternal education and income tend to perform better and maternal education matters more than paternal education for achievement. Paternal education is negatively correlated with the test scores in public schools but positively correlated in private subsidized schools. Public schools are neither uniformly worse nor uniformly better than private schools. Rather, public schools appear to be more effective for students from disadvantaged background.

Movie Analysis

Title: 300


This is a story of 300 Spartan warriors who were then considered as the first heroes of Sparta, one of the city states of Greece. This has been a part of the Spartan history. Under the leadership of King Leonidas, his 300 soldiers fought to the last moment of their existence against the Persians who then their enemies during the time. This is an English movie trying to revive the past events in the lives of the Spartans. In history the Spartans were considered as militaristic, frugal, and lovers of war. Despite their weaknesses as one people, they were able to show to the whole world how they defended their freedom. Their defeat was very significant and remarkable for the other tribes of Greece like the Athenians because they were not only defending their own city-state but they fought for the greater glory of the country- Greece.
The cinematography and the crew in the making of the movie are very realistic. Realistic in all aspects like the costumes, the setting, the sound effects, the language used, and the background. It is very notable in the movie the use of horses as their means of transportation and the armors used by the warriors.

Thing to ponder

What is significant in the movie is not only reviving the past but trying to show that bravery and nationalism. The love of one's country is such a noble act and indeed worthy to treasure. It is indeed that the Spartans were such brave people! Seeing them fighting and dying for the love of one's country. How about us? Are we willing to die for our country? How many of us Filipinos who would really die for our country? Even myself, I could not tell.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Movie Analysis

Title: Bisekletta

This film is an Italian film, a multi-awarded film in the early part of 1990's. It is a very nice film which talks about the love of two young boys whose status in life is extreme- one is poor and marginalized and the other one belongs to a very influential and affluent family. The story revolves in the lives of these two boys who once were very close to each other. Because of the Second World War they were separated until they meet again but then they were already very old. It is very significant in the scenes that the love of each is still so intense despite the ages that have passed by. The word Bisekletta is an Italian word which is also used in our dialect. When translated to English this means "Bicycle". As anyone would read the title it is not very attractive but for curiosity sake, one can get interested about it and will question why it is entitled Bisekletta?

Points to ponder

This movie is showing that poverty is not a hindrance to success but rather an inspiration to move on. The poor boy in the movie has the determination to move on despite his status. His bicycle which is the only tool for him made him reached his goal. The rich boy on the other hand is always there to help his friend until they were able to succeed. The love that binds these two boys is exemplary that in any time of our lives if there is only love, the world will be peaceful and progressive. It is in loving that it makes the world go round. It is in loving that people will be contented and happy. That anything we do if there is love everything will follow no matter how difficult it may become. I am convinced that love will conqujer all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Movie Analysis

Title: Da Vinci Code

Introduction: It is one of the most controversial films of the times. It talks about some documents of the catholic church that are missing which are believed to explain important issues about Christ. It was believed that those documents could lead to the answers of the many questions regarding the catholic doctrines. The speculations of some religious experts are: that Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene and some parts of the gospels in the bible are missing and what is only presented in the gospel are the good ones. Surely if all these lost documents are found it would create a big blog on the Catholic church. Indeed, the Pope would not allow this to happen. If all the speculations of the Religious experts are true then the world would then be a different world as it is today.

Critical Analysis:

Da Vinci Code is banned. The Catholic church in general would not really allow the believers to view this film. The question in mind is why do they allow the making of this movie if it would only destroy the beliefs of the many catholic believers? Is it not that it is one way of destroying the image of the catholics or if there is truth in it why not tell it to the whole world? Anyway these are the questions that bothered me but, what is most important is I believed that Jesus Christ is the saviour.