Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Movie Analysis

Title: 300


This is a story of 300 Spartan warriors who were then considered as the first heroes of Sparta, one of the city states of Greece. This has been a part of the Spartan history. Under the leadership of King Leonidas, his 300 soldiers fought to the last moment of their existence against the Persians who then their enemies during the time. This is an English movie trying to revive the past events in the lives of the Spartans. In history the Spartans were considered as militaristic, frugal, and lovers of war. Despite their weaknesses as one people, they were able to show to the whole world how they defended their freedom. Their defeat was very significant and remarkable for the other tribes of Greece like the Athenians because they were not only defending their own city-state but they fought for the greater glory of the country- Greece.
The cinematography and the crew in the making of the movie are very realistic. Realistic in all aspects like the costumes, the setting, the sound effects, the language used, and the background. It is very notable in the movie the use of horses as their means of transportation and the armors used by the warriors.

Thing to ponder

What is significant in the movie is not only reviving the past but trying to show that bravery and nationalism. The love of one's country is such a noble act and indeed worthy to treasure. It is indeed that the Spartans were such brave people! Seeing them fighting and dying for the love of one's country. How about us? Are we willing to die for our country? How many of us Filipinos who would really die for our country? Even myself, I could not tell.

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